Emails and Domains
Email Address and Domain endpoints allow you to request all exposed information relating to a single email address or email domain. For example, you can request a list of all emails belonging to a particular domain, or see if a specific email address has been exposed with a hashed or plaintext password (if detected).
Cryptocurrency Addresses
Cryptocurrency Address endpoints allow you to see if specific cryptocurrency addresses have been exposed. Sample response include: a contextual text fragment provided from the original source document.
Credit Cards and BIN
Credit Card and Bank Identification Number (BIN) endpoints allow you to request to see information relating to a single credit card number or BIN. For example, end users can query all credit cards belonging to a specific BIN that have not expired or the URL source of the pages on which a specific credit card was posted.
IP Addresses
IP Address endpoints allow you to request to see information relating to a single IP address. For example, end-users can leverage search parameters to find: if a specific IP address has been posted on darknet forums.
Use Cases